Saturday, July 18, 2009

Post-Op Day 3

Well, today was a good day in terms of Sean's recovery. He was discharged from the hospital around noon today, which is a whole day earlier than what was expected. He's got his pain under control, is able to eat normal food again, and can keep himself adequately hydrated. He looks good though and we're both excited to be out of the hospital and to be back at Ed and Teresa's. We're both excited to come home on Thursday as well!

As far as what the next step is, the hospital drew some blood today before he left in order to run his AFP levels. Because alphafetoprotien has a long half-life (about 6 days they said) the numbers may not be normal from this test, but they did the draw to use the levels as a baseline for his next bloodtest which will be sometime in the next couple of weeks back home in Utah. So right now we have been reassured by Dr. Beck that all of the known cancer has been removed from his body so we're focused right now on the prayer that no cells have spread anywhere else and that Sean will be cancer-free for the rest of his life. It will take several more follow-up visits back home to determine his state, but for now we're hopeful.

We'll update the blog again when we have more information. Thanks!



Timbra said...

everyone was thinking of you guys this AM. . . come home quick! Glad to continually hear that there have been no surprises and certainly praying this is the end of the cancer!!!

Anonymous said...

Sean and Karen,

I don't know you, but I have a close friend who's been going through a similar battle w/ TC and is undergoing the RPLND in a week. (Your blog popped up when I was researching the surgery.) My heart goes out to you and I am so moved by your story and what you've been through. I will keep you in my prayers, and though I don't know you, I am SO happy to hear that they think they got all the cancer. I pray you will enjoy a long and wonderful and cancer-free life together. All the best.

-Kelly, SF, Ca.